Fig. 1Imaging studies of tracheal schwannoma. (A) Chest x-ray showed only a scar change of previous pulmonary tuberculosis in left upper lung field.(B) Computed tomography revealed a round-shaped 1.7 cmpolypoid lesion in mid trachea.(Arrow) (C) Bronchoscopic evaluation showed a polypoid endotracheal mass lesion. (D) Endoscopic trans-esophageal ultrasonography showed that this lesion was localized only in trachea without any evidence of esophageal invasion. (Arrow)
Fig. 2Flow-volume curves of pulmonary function test (PFT) and histo-pathologic pictures of tracheal schwannoma. (A) Preoperative flow-volume curve of PFT revealed upper airway obstructive pattern with inspiratory plateau. Forced vital capacity (FVC) = 3.85 liters (L), 110% of reference. Forced expiratory volume during the first second (FEV1) = 2.27 L, 88% of reference. FEV1/FVC = 59% (B) Postoperative flow-volume curve of PFT showed normal flow-volume curve. FVC = 3.36 L, 97% of reference. FEV1 = 2.6 L, 101% of reference. FEV1/FVC = 77% (C) In hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining, cellular region (Antoni A)(a) and loose paucicellular region(Antoni B)(b) were documented. Verocay body(v) with palisading elongated nuclei was also seen. (Magnification, ×200)(D) Immuno-histo-chemical S-100 staining of this lesion had strong positivity. (Magnification, ×400)