Fig. 1ECG Electrocardiogram in the EMS ambulance after first normal vaginal delivery on September 22th 2005. The ventricular fibrillation (A) was conversed to regular sinus rhythm after defibrillation (B). EMS: emergency medical service.
Fig. 2
Echocardiography was showed that increased dimension and volume of LV after second normal vaginal delivery.
A: LVEDD (LV end diastolic dimension) of LV basal level at parasternal view (M-mode) was 45mm before second normal vaginal delivery.
B: LVEDD (LV end diastolic dimension) of LV mid-portion at parasternal view (M-mode) was 45mm before second normal vaginal delivery.
C: LVEDV (LV end diastolic volume) was 82.7ml at apical 4 chamber view before second normal vaginal delivery.
D: LVEDD (LV end diastolic dimension) of LV basal level at parasternal view (M-mode) was 50mm on the 12 days after second normal vaginal delivery.
E: LVEDD (LV end diastolic dimension) of LV mid-portion at parasternal view (M-mode) was 53mm on the 12 days after second normal vaginal delivery.
F: LVEDV (LV end diastolic volume) was 107.4ml at apical 4 chamber view on the 12 days after second normal vaginal delivery.
Fig. 3ECG The twelve-lead electrocardiogram shows ST-segment depression in the I, II, aVL, aVF, V3–6 leads
Fig. 4ECG The twelve-lead electrocardiogram is normalized after improvement of symptoms.