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Original Article
The Change of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Values of Healthy Subjects According toTemperature and Aging
Sung Su Kim1, Dong Hoon Lew1, Ja Yoon Choi1, Eun Ju Lee1, Min Gyo Kim1, Kyong Young Kim1, Soo Kyoung Kim1,2, Jung Hwa Jung1,2, Jae Hoon Jung1,2, Jong Ryea l Hahm1,2
Kosin Medical Journal 2014;29(2):125-134.
Published online: December 18, 2014

1Department of Internal Medicine, GyeongsangNational University School of Medicine, Jinju, Korea

2Institute of Health Science, GyeongsangNational University School of Medicine, Jinju, Korea

Corresponding Author : Jong Ryeal Hahm, Department of Internal Medicine, Gyeongsang National University School of Medicine, 79, Gangnam-ro, Jinju, 660-702, Korea TEL: +82-55-750-8736 FAX: +82-55-758-9122 E-mail:
• Received: August 20, 2013   • Accepted: February 13, 2014

Copyright © 2014 Kosin University School of Medicine Proceedings

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  • Objective:
    We conducted a study to investigate the normal range for TSH and within-individual variations of TSH according to temperat䴸re and aging.
  • Patients and Methods:
    We enrolled patients who underwent periodic medical examinations five times over a six year period (2007.8~2013.6). Anthropometric data and thyroid ultrasonography were evaluated, and serum TSH, T3, and T4 were assayed.
  • Results:
    Subjects were 19-64 years old, 120 were female, and 208 were male. Reference ranges for TSH were 0.53-4.94 mlU/L in the first test, 0.49-5.61 mlU/L in the second test, 0.46-6.06 mlU/L in the third test, 0.48-5.99 mlU/L in the fourth test, and 0.52-6.3 mlU/L in the fifth test. When the TSH level was analyzed according to temperature and sex, mean TSH was higher in months in which the average monthly temperatures were below 100C in Jinju, Gyeongnam and female. The aging and low temperatures are associated with increased serum TSH concentrations in the within-individual.
  • Conclusions:
    This study showed that aging is associated with increased serum TSH concentrations in the within- individual and serum TSH concentrations are different in the within-individual according to the temperature.
Fig. 1
Schematic presentation of enrolled subjects for analysis.
Estimated marginal means natural logarithm(TSH)SE that was checked five times for six years
Fig, 3
Within-individual TSH levels separated by average monthly temperature(10iC) for 146 subjects.
Table 1.
Baseline characteristics of subjects in first check-up
Characteristic Total (n=328)
Age (Years), mean±SD 42.1±8.09
Age stratum (Years), n(%)  
  ≤29 20 (6.1)
  30-39 111(33.8)
  40-49 139(42.4)
  50-59 48(14.6)
  60≥ 10(3.0)
Female, n(%) 120(36.6)
BMI, mean±SD 23.34土 2.91
Presence of thyroid nodules n(%) 21(6.4)
Presence of Fatty liver, n(%)  
    Normal echogenecity 277(84.4)
    Mild 18(5.5)
    Moderate-severe 33(10.1)
Alcoliol intake, n(%)  
    Nearly not 117(37.5)
    < 20 g/day 102(31.1)
    ≥ 20 g/day 109(33.2)

SD: Standard Deviation, BMI: Body mass index

Table 2.
Mean TSH and thyroid hormones values for each subject check-up.
Sequence of tests TFT(n=328)
  T3(ng/dL) T4(ug/dL) T4(ng/dL)
First 107.2±15.6 7.55±1.24 1.29±0.16
Second 109.3±15.2 7.44±1.14 1.32±0.18
Third 109.5±16.9 7.54±1.18 1.32±0.17
Fourth 110.3±15.8 7.34±1.24 1,30±0.18
Fifth 108.2±15.9 7.67±1.29 1.29±0.15

Values are mean ± SD SD: Standard Deviation

249 analyzed

295 analyzed due to missing values.

Table 3.
Reference range of TSH values according to the serial check-ups.
Sequence of tests TSH reference range(mIU/L)
Lower limit Mean Upper limit
First 0.53 1.62 4.94
Second 0.49 1.65 5.61
Third 0.46 1.67 6.00
Fourth 0.48 1.70 5.99
Fifth 0.52 1.78 6.13

The ranges were calculated as mean ± 2SD of log-transformed serum TSH concentrations for each sequence of check-up

Table 4.
Mean TSH value according to gender, age stratum, thyroid nodules, alcohol intake, fatty liver, temperature, and BMI.
Factors TSH(mIU/L)
First Second Third Fourth Fifth
Age, year 42.1±8.09 43.3±8.11 44.6±8.14 45.8±8.12 47.1±8.18
Female(120) 1.98±1.15 2.06±1.11 2.08±1.18 2.15±1.33 2.29±1.30
Male(208) 1.83±1.02 1.87±1.04 1.93±1.20 1.95±1.20 2.00±1.76
Age stratum          
30 내이하(131) 1.86±0.95 1.87±1.03 1.88±1.04 1.92±1.03 2.01±0.98
40 내(139) 1.89±1.16 1.99±1.05 2.05±1.30 2.05±1.23 2.09±1.27
50 내이성(58) 1.94±1.11 1.96±1.21 2.08±1.26 2.20±1.22 2.38±1.59
Nodule(-) 1.90± 1.07(307) 1.97±1.04(298) 2.01±1.20(300) 2.05±1.22(301) 2.14±1.23(298)
Nodule(+) 1.67± 1.06(21) l.66±0.73(29) 1.71±1.15(28) 1.67±1.24(27) 1.83± 1.22(30)
Not intake(H7) 1.B6±1.10 1.97±1.08 1.96±1.13 2.05±1.31 2.16±1.25
<20g/day(102) 1.90±1.07 1.90±1.05 1.97±1.16 2.08±1.27 2.09±1.18
≥20g/day(109) 1.90±1.04 1.94±1.08 2.03±1.30 1.94±1.07 2.08±1.27
Fatty Liver          
(-) 1.90±1.07(277) 1.97±1.09(259) 2.02±1.24(259) 2.06±1.20(24S) 2.15±1.26(234)
(+) 1.82±1.07(51) 1.82±0.97(68) 1.85±1.01{69) 1.91±1.28(80) 2.01±1.13(94)
월평균 기온          
A 1.81±1.02(239) 1.84±1.04(231) 1.95±1.18(237) 2.05±1.27(230) 2.06±1.21(228)
B 2.10±1.16(89) 2.17±1.11(97) 2.09±1.23(91) 1.96±1.08(98) 2.22±1.28(100)
<23kg/m2 1.88±1.06(172) 1.93±1.16(155) 2.05±1.18(151) 1.97±1.06(141) 2.13±1.13(146)
23-24 1.80±94(54) 1.71±0.75(76) 1.83±1.06(79) 2.06±1.22(85) 2.07±132(71)
≥25kg/m2 1.96±1.14(100) 2.12±1.17(95) 2.01±1.31(97) 2.10±1.22(102) 2.10±1.23(110)

Values are mean ± SD SD: Standard Deviation, T: Temperature, A:months that average monthly temperature is above 10°C in Jinju, Gyeongnam, B:months that average monthly temperature is below 10°C in Jinju, Gyeongnam, BMI: Body Mass Index P value(mean±SD

is 0.032, P value(mean±SD

)is 0.034, P value(mean±SD

)is 0.008. P value by T-test or ANOVA(Analysis of variance)

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      The Change of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Values of Healthy Subjects According toTemperature and Aging
      Kosin Med J. 2014;29(2):125-134.   Published online December 18, 2014
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    The Change of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Values of Healthy Subjects According toTemperature and Aging
    Image Image Image
    Fig. 1 Schematic presentation of enrolled subjects for analysis.
    Fig.2 Estimated marginal means natural logarithm(TSH) 士 SE that was checked five times for six years
    Fig, 3 Within-individual TSH levels separated by average monthly temperature(10iC) for 146 subjects.
    The Change of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Values of Healthy Subjects According toTemperature and Aging

    Baseline characteristics of subjects in first check-up

    Characteristic Total (n=328)
    Age (Years), mean±SD 42.1±8.09
    Age stratum (Years), n(%)  
      ≤29 20 (6.1)
      30-39 111(33.8)
      40-49 139(42.4)
      50-59 48(14.6)
      60≥ 10(3.0)
    Female, n(%) 120(36.6)
    BMI, mean±SD 23.34土 2.91
    Presence of thyroid nodules n(%) 21(6.4)
    Presence of Fatty liver, n(%)  
        Normal echogenecity 277(84.4)
        Mild 18(5.5)
        Moderate-severe 33(10.1)
    Alcoliol intake, n(%)  
        Nearly not 117(37.5)
        < 20 g/day 102(31.1)
        ≥ 20 g/day 109(33.2)

    Mean TSH and thyroid hormones values for each subject check-up.

    Sequence of tests TFT(n=328)
      T3(ng/dL) T4(ug/dL) T4(ng/dL)
    First 107.2±15.6 7.55±1.24 1.29±0.16
    Second 109.3±15.2 7.44±1.14 1.32±0.18
    Third 109.5±16.9 7.54±1.18 1.32±0.17
    Fourth 110.3±15.8 7.34±1.24 1,30±0.18
    Fifth 108.2±15.9 7.67±1.29 1.29±0.15

    Reference range of TSH values according to the serial check-ups.

    Sequence of tests TSH reference range(mIU/L)
    Lower limit Mean Upper limit
    First 0.53 1.62 4.94
    Second 0.49 1.65 5.61
    Third 0.46 1.67 6.00
    Fourth 0.48 1.70 5.99
    Fifth 0.52 1.78 6.13

    Mean TSH value according to gender, age stratum, thyroid nodules, alcohol intake, fatty liver, temperature, and BMI.

    Factors TSH(mIU/L)
    First Second Third Fourth Fifth
    Age, year 42.1±8.09 43.3±8.11 44.6±8.14 45.8±8.12 47.1±8.18
    Female(120) 1.98±1.15 2.06±1.11 2.08±1.18 2.15±1.33 2.29±1.30
    Male(208) 1.83±1.02 1.87±1.04 1.93±1.20 1.95±1.20 2.00±1.76
    Age stratum          
    30 내이하(131) 1.86±0.95 1.87±1.03 1.88±1.04 1.92±1.03 2.01±0.98
    40 내(139) 1.89±1.16 1.99±1.05 2.05±1.30 2.05±1.23 2.09±1.27
    50 내이성(58) 1.94±1.11 1.96±1.21 2.08±1.26 2.20±1.22 2.38±1.59
    Nodule(-) 1.90± 1.07(307) 1.97±1.04(298) 2.01±1.20(300) 2.05±1.22(301) 2.14±1.23(298)
    Nodule(+) 1.67± 1.06(21) l.66±0.73(29) 1.71±1.15(28) 1.67±1.24(27) 1.83± 1.22(30)
    Not intake(H7) 1.B6±1.10 1.97±1.08 1.96±1.13 2.05±1.31 2.16±1.25
    <20g/day(102) 1.90±1.07 1.90±1.05 1.97±1.16 2.08±1.27 2.09±1.18
    ≥20g/day(109) 1.90±1.04 1.94±1.08 2.03±1.30 1.94±1.07 2.08±1.27
    Fatty Liver          
    (-) 1.90±1.07(277) 1.97±1.09(259) 2.02±1.24(259) 2.06±1.20(24S) 2.15±1.26(234)
    (+) 1.82±1.07(51) 1.82±0.97(68) 1.85±1.01{69) 1.91±1.28(80) 2.01±1.13(94)
    월평균 기온          
    A 1.81±1.02(239) 1.84±1.04(231) 1.95±1.18(237) 2.05±1.27(230) 2.06±1.21(228)
    B 2.10±1.16(89) 2.17±1.11(97) 2.09±1.23(91) 1.96±1.08(98) 2.22±1.28(100)
    <23kg/m2 1.88±1.06(172) 1.93±1.16(155) 2.05±1.18(151) 1.97±1.06(141) 2.13±1.13(146)
    23-24 1.80±94(54) 1.71±0.75(76) 1.83±1.06(79) 2.06±1.22(85) 2.07±132(71)
    ≥25kg/m2 1.96±1.14(100) 2.12±1.17(95) 2.01±1.31(97) 2.10±1.22(102) 2.10±1.23(110)
    Table 1. Baseline characteristics of subjects in first check-up

    SD: Standard Deviation, BMI: Body mass index

    Table 2. Mean TSH and thyroid hormones values for each subject check-up.

    Values are mean ± SD SD: Standard Deviation

    249 analyzed

    295 analyzed due to missing values.

    Table 3. Reference range of TSH values according to the serial check-ups.

    The ranges were calculated as mean ± 2SD of log-transformed serum TSH concentrations for each sequence of check-up

    Table 4. Mean TSH value according to gender, age stratum, thyroid nodules, alcohol intake, fatty liver, temperature, and BMI.

    Values are mean ± SD SD: Standard Deviation, T: Temperature, A:months that average monthly temperature is above 10°C in Jinju, Gyeongnam, B:months that average monthly temperature is below 10°C in Jinju, Gyeongnam, BMI: Body Mass Index P value(mean±SD

    is 0.032, P value(mean±SD

    )is 0.034, P value(mean±SD

    )is 0.008. P value by T-test or ANOVA(Analysis of variance)

    KMJ : Kosin Medical Journal