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Review Article
Predictive Value of Maternal Serum Markers for Preeclampsia
Sue Hyun Oh1, Heung Yeol Kim2
Kosin Medical Journal 2012;27(2):91-97.
Published online: January 19, 2012

1Department of Laboratory Medicine, Wonjin Green Hospital, Seoul, Korea

2Department of Obsterics and Gynecology, College of Medicine, Kosin University, Busan, Korea

Corresponding author: Heung Yeol Kim, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, College of Medicine, Kosin University, 34, Amnamdong, Seo-gu, Busan, 602-702, Korea TEL: +82-51-990-6226 FAX: +82-51-990-3300 E-mail:
• Received: October 8, 2012   • Accepted: October 17, 2012

Copyright © 2012 Kosin University School of Medicine Proceedings

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  • The study performed a systematic review of screening for preeclampsia with the combination of vascular parameters and maternal serum markers in the first and early second trimester. We identified eligible studies through a search of Medline, and, for each included study, we focused on the relationship between the maternal serum markers and preeclampsia. In the selected literature, a combination of maternal serum markers was analyzed, also. Several tests suggested moderate or convincing prediction of early preeclampsia, but screening for late preeclampsia was poor. Literatures for serum markers were selected. Each serum marker was identified independently, and where relevant, a combination of these markers was analyzed. Encouraging results for the first trimester screening were observed when it was combined with other markers. Even in the first trimester of pregnancy, we can present the reliable results for the prediction of early preeclampsia. Detection rate for combination markers may yield higher detection rate and be promising to identify patients at high risk of developing preeclampsia.
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        Predictive Value of Maternal Serum Markers for Preeclampsia
        Kosin Med J. 2012;27(2):91-97.   Published online January 19, 2012
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