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1. Authorship Responsibility;
2. Authorship Contributions;
3. Role of the Funding Source;
4. Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest;
5. Copyright Transfer Agreement.
1. Authorship Responsibility
• All authors have seen and approved the content of the submitted manuscript. The paper presents original work not previously published in similar form and is not currently under consideration by another journal.
• If the paper contains material (data or information in any other form) that is the intellectual property and copyright of any person(s) other than the author(s), permission from the copyright owner(s) to publish that material must be clearly identified and acknowledged in the text of the paper.
• The authors followed ethics guidelines.
• See the Authorship Policy in Instructions for Authors.
2. Authorship Contributions
Please indicate the specific contributions made by each author (list the authors’ initials, e.g., KDH).
• Writing - original draft: ________________________________
• Writing - review and editing: ________________________________
3. Role of the Funding Source
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5. Copyright Transfer Agreement
In the occasion of the final acceptance of this manuscript, the authors of the article hereby agree that Kosin University College of Medicine holds the copyright to all materials and the right to publish, transmit, sell, and distribute them in the journal or other media.