Given that cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is an aerosol-generating procedure, it is necessary to use a mechanical ventilator and reduce the number of providers involved in resuscitation for in-hospital cardiac arrest in coronavirus disease (COVID-19) patients or suspected COVID-19 patients. However, no study assessed the effect of changes in inspiratory time on flowrate and airway pressure during CPR. We herein aimed to determine changes in these parameters during CPR and identify appropriate ventilator management for adults during CPR.
We measured changes in tidal volume (Vt), peak inspiratory flow rate (PIFR), peak airway pressure (Ppeak), mean airway pressure (Pmean) according to changes in inspiratory time (0.75 s, 1.0 s and 1.5 s) with or without CPR. Vt of 500 mL was supplied (flowrate: 10 times/min) using a mechanical ventilator. Chest compressions were maintained at constant compression depth (53 ± 2 mm) and speed (102 ± 2/min) using a mechanical chest compression device.
Median levels of respiratory physiological parameters during CPR were significantly different according to the inspiratory time (0.75 s vs. 1.5 s): PIFR (80.8 [73.3 – 87.325] vs. 70.5 [67 – 72.4] L/min,
Changes in PIFR, Ppeak, and Pmean were associated with inspiratory time. PIFR and Ppeak values tended to decrease with increase in inspiratory time, while Pmean showed a contrasting trend. Increased inspiratory time in low-compliance cardiac arrest patients will help in reducing lung injury during adult CPR.
The anesthetic management combining the use of a laryngeal mask airway and desflurane without neuromuscular-blocking agents provided sufficient abdominal and diaphragmatic muscle relaxations for sustaining the pneumoperitoneum for laparoscopic surgery.
We report a case of difficult endotracheal intubation in a patient with tracheobronchopathia osteochondroplastica. A 65-year-old man was scheduled to undergo ulnar nerve decompression and ganglion excisional biopsy under general anesthesia. During induction of general anesthesia, an endotracheal tube could not be advanced through the vocal cords due to resistance. A large number of nodules were identified below the vocal cords using a Glidescope® video-laryngoscopy, and fiberoptic bronchoscopy revealed irregular nodules on the surface of the entire trachea and the main bronchus below the vocal cords. Use of a small endotracheal tube was attempted and failed. a laryngeal mask airway (LMA Supreme ™) rather than further intubation was successfully used to maintain the airway.
Endobronchial foreign body impaction is a medical emergency because of the air way obstruction. Therefore, immediate foreign body removal is crucial in such situations. Recently, there have been several reports about cryoprobe use as a tool for removal of foreign bodies. In this study, we determined the efficacy and complications of foreign body removal using a cryoprobe during flexible bronchoscopy.
This is a retrospective review of 27 patients who visited Kosin University Gospel Hospital from August 2007 to August 2010 with respiratory symptoms due to a foreign body in the airway. There were 17 males and 10 females, aged from 7 to 78 years. The foreign bodies were more frequently located (55%) in the right bronchus. The cryoprobe was inserted through the forceps channel of the flexible bronchoscope under local anesthesia. The lesion was quickly frozen for 5 seconds at -80℃, and the bronchoscope was removed with the probe after crystal formation on the contacted area.
The success rate of removal of foreign bodies was 85% (23/27) using the cryoprobe. One case of broncholith did not undergo attempted removal because of the possibility of excessive hemorrhage by the tight bronchus impaction, and three cases (plastic, silicon, and implant) failed due to limited crystal formation. There were no severe hemorrhages, arrhythmias, or casualties during the procedure.
The removal of foreign body using a cryoprobe during flexible bronchoscopy was shown to be safe and effective. The nature of the material should be attempted before removing a foreign body.